I just had a realisation. With all the gym and fitness trends that come and go throughout the years, including all the fads and trends that claim to be the centuries old greatest fitness workout ever, let alone the new fads that claim to be the bare bones best ever, i wonder if anyone asks whats the point. Yes i know, they do ask that, they ask what people want to get out of it and what their goals are. But i think that the emphasis is still on the results, on the looks they can achieve. And dont get me wrong at all, i want the abs, i want the guns, i want the buns of steel. But thats just looks. I could just eat a certain way and do curls and other moves on those big elaborate machines at the classic style gyms. Now modern minimal workouts (crossfit) make alot of sense to me. They combine basic disciplines from different sports to pump out some super fit super strong athletes. BUT, what end are they working for. They are working for the crossfit games you could say. What does that do for them in the real world. Again, dont get me wrong, someone who trains in a crossfit style is gonna be a tank in the real world.
So, what conclusion have i, an uneducated nobody in the fitness world, come to. Iv come to the conclusion that for most of us in this life, we dont need to be super fit. We could just eat well and walk alot and be fine. You dont need to be ripped to sit at a computer all day. So we have to set our own goals and outcomes we hope to achieve. And no matter what those goals are, theyre ridiculous. They dont have any real world application. Unless your a labourer and you want to lift and carry cement blocks further and longer. So it doesnt matter what you do in the physical world. No fitness regime is higher or mightier than the other. Because when ever we try to test different styles against each other, we end up just creating a new sport (triathlon, MMA).
So i just want to be thinner (less flab), fitter (better stamina) and more athletic in general. Also run a marathon and have an mma fight. Oh and ride my bike around Australia. And whatever way i go about those goals, hard work is the only thing that HAS to be there.
Nano Nano